Wednesday, January 2, 2013


My style History

I find it immensely satisfying to look back to old fashions that were once super popular in the past, and how much we either revamp or dodge completely in current fashion.
With the talk of JNCO jeans coming back into style, or a version of them, I'm sure there will be some changes, but at least our phones will finally fit in our pockets! I had some knock-offs in highschool, they were super comfortable, ugly but comfy.

Giant back pockets!

Also a few other fads seem to be creeping back into style from the 90's... slip-style dresses, velour, grunge, crop-tops, overalls, plaids, florals, choker necklaces, mini backpacks etc.
There's a few from the 90's that I hope don't come back;
Neon windbreakers, bowlcut/mushroom haircuts, parachute pants (which are sort of back in smaller cotton version), embroidered vests, butterfly clips, chunky flip flops, scrunchies, round sunglasses (revamped from the 30's and 70's) and bowling shirts to name a few.

Where Sex and the City and Clueless gave us many fashion icons, we couldn't afford to have their style growing up, so we were happy with a Blossom hat, or at least one pair of name brand jeans.

I had the jean flower one... yep...

I won't ever forget my first pair of designer jeans, they were Tommy Hilfiger, and they didn't fit me at all - I was still in the mindset my mother gave me growing up about buying things you will grow into, not knowing that I would stop around the age 14/15. I also got a lot of hand me downs from my neighbors cousin, who was not my size at all, but she was a year or so older. So here I am at 13 with the body of a male 13 year old in clothing so big it hung off of me. Also I've never been keen on getting to bed early (ever), so waking up early caused me to have very dark circles under my eyes for the majority of my childhood. Being gaunt, skinny, with very dark hair and eyes in giant clothing is not exactly cute.
So when I started discovering clothing that fit properly, I went a little overboard. So my wardrobe went from baggy to overly tight. Which is kind of odd on a body with 0 curves.
At least shopping was easy. But I didn't really have an eye for fashion unfortunately until after highschool. So that was a wash. I went from socially awkward to socially confused.

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